Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanks For

Thanksgiving, a time of the year to reflect on the things that really matter. What am I thankful for? What did the last year bring me? What can I do to make the next year better?

We have a tradition we started a couple of years ago. We cover our Thanksgiving table with a plain white sheet. After dinner everyone takes a turn with the marker and writes down what they are thankful for. It really is kinda cool to go around and read what people wrote and then drag it out the next year and compare.

I am so thankful for the 3 years I have had in this house (we are losing it) it served our needs at the time and now I guess its time for something new.

I am thankful for a good job, even if I do think it bites at times :)

I am thankful for every member of my family that God has put into my life. My Daughter made me a card on Fathers day that said all the things I had brought into their lives, truth is I have gained way more from them than I have given, at least I think so.

I am thankful for an awesome Church family.

Most of all I am thankful for a Saviour that loved me enough to look down at all my uglyness and go to the cross anyway.

Whatever you are thankful for I hope you have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.


1 comment:

Heather said...

You shoudl be THANKFUL you can eat way too much turkey too... cuzz SOME Of us cant ;)