Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2 day 1&2

Got up at 4 AM and did coresynergistics this morning and it felt good. Now I remember why I liked working out in the morning and I think I will cont to do my workouts at the butt crack of dawn.

Did Cardio X when I got home from work so I am caught up and right back on track. I really did not want to be off this early in the program.

Now about those carbs, I really didn't realise how much I liked them until I limit myself on them. My wife says I am almost as grouchy as when I quit smoking... BUT WHAT THE HECK DOES SHE KNOW :-P... I was saving them until my evening meal but today I had them at lunch and I will see how that goes.

Tomorrow Dennis is going to try to run again, I really hope his knee is better so that he can get back on track with our marathon traing we really need to get our miles in.

Well that about sums it up for the day hope you had a good one

Sunday, August 30, 2009

P90 What????

So Kempo X on Friday was delayed due to I needed to take care of some stuff after work and take my wife to Chico and since we were there dinner was a good thing to have. Well by the time I got home all full and stuff it just wasn't happening and I said tomorrow. Dennis came over Friday night and we played Halo until 2:30 AM... man we shredded some covenant and flood... this lead to me sleeping in on Sat and I decided to make whole wheat pancakes. After eating I was so tired all I could do was lay on the couch. I did finally decide I at least needed to run and went to check the weather 103!!!!!!!!! holy crap I ain't running in that.

Back to the couch.

Did get a nice 8.5 mile run in today it was a little warm but a lot less then yesterday and there was some breeze so that helped. I am going to do Coresynergistics in the morning before work and cardio X after work tomorrow and will be right back on track.

This low carb thing is still killing me but I am doing fairly well with it.

Have a great day

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week 1 Day 5

Legs and Back, AB Ripper X the legs portion went really well for me with all my running I was able to push it real hard. I had forgotten how many lunges and squats you do in that workout, I know this is going to improve my times. Back and AB Ripper well they are just hard.

As for our run today Dennis tried but we only went about 1.5 miles and his knee started hurting again, he went home to ice it and we will see how far we can go on Saturday.

Tomorrow is Kempo X another workout that I like a lot.

The one serving of carbs a day thing is going pretty good. Like I said before I just have carbs one meal don't really measure them but it is still a lot less carbs than my norm.

Peace out

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week 1 Day 4

Well got Yoga X done and it was just as hard as I remembered it but I will say I liked it better this time around and besides even if I don't like it I know that it is a good thing for me to do. I still can't believe that you can work up that much of a sweat and hardly move.

Tomorrow is legs and back and AB Ripper X again, kinda looking forward to that.

I have decided that Fridays will be my weight day and so this Friday when I weigh I will update my ticker. I know that I have gained since the last time that I did but I am also hoping that by Friday I will at least be really close to whats there already. For those of you reading on blogspot I am talking about my Spark People weight ticker.

I would like to thank all my Spark Friends for the support, it is nice to know that people actually read these blogs.

Oh yeah tomorrow is also supposed to be a 6 mile hill run after work I will have to see how Dennis feels but if he can't run I will run before the P90X workout.

Have a great day

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 1 Day 3

So today was one of my favotie workouts in all of P90X. Shoulders and Arms cause if your shoulders and arms don't look good well you just kinda look like a stick and then finished it off with AB Ripper X can you say owwwww.

The real reason this workout is my fave is because before I started my first round last year I had some real issues with my left shoulder to the point that I thought it might need surgery. Range of motion was off and if I pushed it to far back really sharp pains. I noticed by the end of the second month that the pain and Range of motion was better and now there is no pain and no range of motion limitations and it is all because of this program and its shoulder work. So there you go thats why its me favorite.

Now tomorrow is my least favorite Yoga. I know its good for me and all but I just don't like it I will do it cause its part of the program but I would never go outta my why to find a yoga group.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 1 Day 2

Well after a very short run today... Dennis' knee was giving him trouble and no sense making small pains worse... I came home and got right into day 2 Cardio X.

The workout was not quite what I had expected it was a combo of yoga, kempo, plyo and some things off other videos but it was a good workout. It was kind of nice to already know the moves but I was kind of hoping for something new.

The hardest part of phase 1 for me last time around was the one serving of carbs a day and I think it is gonna be the hard part again. Had my carbs at lunch and boy did I want some more at dinner ah well it is only 4 weeks then my level goes up woo hoo

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 1 day 1

Ok so I told myself that I was going to do another round of P90X after vacation was over. Well got home last weekend and said ok get through this week and start. Decided that Sunday would be day 1 because if you have been following my progress you will know that Saturdays are reserved for long runs on mine and Dennis' quest for the marathon in Dec. Anyways to make a long story longer after I got home from church today ate a big lunch so couldn't start then cause was just to full, so after watching 3 hours of the 100 best songs of the 80's on VH1 classic I knew if I didn't get my butt off the couch it was gonna stay there.

I decided to do the lean program this time cause I really don't want to bulk up and I don't want to interfere with my running at all in fact I told Dennis if this started hurting my runs I would hold off until after the marathon. So today was core synergistics to start now I didn't do core synergistics the last time until week 3 cause I did the classic routine and by the time I did it I was getting pretty good at the P90X thing. So I get all my stuff together and start the DVD, warm up was no problem but 20 minutes in and I was beat, I truly forgot how hard P90X was I did finish... well all except the 5 minute bonus.. and am ready for a 6 mile run tomorrow after work and then week 1 day 2 cardio X. I am excited about the cardio cause I never had to do it the last time around we did the plyo workout instead.

I really think though after todays workout I am going to see a huge benefit from this program in my running and I think after a few weeks my min/mile will start to come down. Until tomorrow have a great day