I only walked about 25' down the trail for this pic. Trail 15 was steep steep steep and we were going down it. YEEE HAW

Found this waterfall on trail 1

The veiw of Lake Shasta from trail 1
Chappi was a fun place to ride we spent a little over 4 hours riding and covered a lot of ground. Some of the trails were very easy and some like trail 15 were challenging. There wer a couple of place on trail 15 that were like UHOH this is gonna be interesting like this spot

I know it doesn't look that steep but be sitting on a 400 pound quad facing down it and its steep couldn't get a pic of the steepest part cause quite frankly we couldn't stop on the hill it was so stinkin steep that all you could do was hang on and try to stay out of the rut. I think my back brake earned its keep on that trail.
Hi! I'm new to your blog...just kinda stumbled on it. Just wanted to say hi and tell you I love your sense of humor!
Your pictures are awesome. I found your blog space through spark people and your utube video. I was here to check it out. I'll be back to visit.
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