We went to Miltonfreewater Oregon to start our Vacation nice 10 hour drive after 8 hours worked got there about 4 in the morning or something. Only slept for a few hours we are on vacation after all. Man it was busy up there we had 11 children total wow, and a bunch of adult children :-) the guys played Discgolf and went down the river on these little skiffs Owen made called one sheet skiffs you can see them here http://www3.sympatico.ca/herbert.mcleod/skiff.htm pretty cool little boats I think I am gonna make some myself. The ladies went garage saling, yup thats our girls :)
Sunday after Church we had Howards 80th birthday it was really fun and everyone had a great time.
OHOHOH almost forgot while up there got to try some horse meat, not bad tasted kinda like well ..... horse I guess.
We left there the following tuesday and drove back down a different way cause Owen and John said it took the same ammount of time *note to self, don't listen to Owen and John again* 13 hours after we left we finally got home, yeah that was fater guys, got to bed about 1 am and had to get up at 5 to head to the airport to fly to Denver, yippy.
stay tuned for action from Denver, same time, same place same Bat channel. Also will post some Oregon pics as soon as I can find them.
1 comment:
I didnt' know you had a blog
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