Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Great Race

Participated in my first triathlon today. It was a 5.82 mile run, 12.5 mile bike ride and a 6.35 mile kayak. I did the run my Cousin Paul did the bike and his GF Tiffany did the kayak
Thats us before the race. I actually made the run in 53:18 which is right on the time I wanted. When I broke down the split I did about a 9:30 mile for the first 3 and an 8:30 mile for the last 2.82, the thing is I felt like I could have pushed a lot harder when I got done. When I crossed the 5 mile mark I really picked up the pace and was planning on a full out sprint for the last quarter mile but before I knew it I was at the transition point, oh well next year I know where that run ends. I really feel that the 2 mile run I did 1 hour prior to the race just to warm up real good and then stretched for like 15 minutes after the short run was the key. I never once felt any tightness or soreness at all once the race started soooooo I guess I will have to remember that little trick for short races. It should be noted that Tiffany wasn't even sure she wanted to do this but when she shredded the kayak portion in a great big heavy tandem kayak she is already fired up for next year and said she wants a smaller sleeker kayak so she can shave off some of that time. The girl kicked butt finishing in under and hour that means she was cruising down that river. Here is the link for their page the results should be up sometime next week we did the coed division and our team name was The Little Engines That Could.

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