Sunday, August 31, 2008

You ever wonder...?

Why in the heck do we blog anyway? Some say its theraputic others its a good way to keep a lot of family informed on whats going on without creating a bazillion emails. Personally I just like the medium for expressing myself, I just wish i could be more dedicated to doing it more often.

Went to the store to get some bottled water and got a cat hmmmm


Went on a short run today just 5k but it was still pretty warm out and I had eaten about 3 hours earlier, boy it is really nasty when you are in the middle of a run and burp up some BBQ pork, yuck.

I really don't have a blasted thing to say today just some ramblings and bramblings and well just plain ole wierdness. Stay tuned for future strangness and mumblings of a weird mind.


Charity said...

I don't know which picture is scarier...haha! Jk love you!

Sous Chef Mom said...

Which cat is that? Is that Mowgali?LOL

hambone flippy said...

your my hero....sandwich!

oh yes a catinthebox...sweet!