Sunday, October 12, 2008

Memory Walk

Dennis and I went to the Chico Alzheimer's Memory Walk yesterday, along with some of our coworkers. Our plan was to run 10 miles, they had a 1 mile loop and a 3 mile loop. We were going to run the 1 mile first cause our boss was giving us sponsorship and we got more if we lapped her (we lapped her twice). we didn't get in 10 miles but we did do 6. There were so many people there that when we started the road was packed side to side we had to zig zag back and forth dodging walkers, strollers, wheelchairs, at times we were running on the logs lining the road or jumping over them to the grass and running, made the first mile really hard but kind of fun. Even though we didn't get our whole 10 miles in I felt like I had a good run and we both agreed we are going to go to Chico once in a while on Saturdays to run cause Bidwell Park is really a nice place to run. As far as the memory walk went I was really happy to see how many people attended I got some really good ideas for next year, this was the first year I attended but I will be back. Some of you may know and others don't but I manage a 50 bed Alzheimer's unit so this is something that I see as an important cause.
P90X is going really well, I have made some really good progress on the ab workout and am now able to do quite a few of the situps that I was only able to laugh at in the beginning. It is really nice to see all this work paying off.
Next week we are hoping to go fishing and riding up at Lassen. Oh I hope it doesn't rain.

1 comment:

Charity said...

You go with your bad self!