Thursday, December 11, 2008

So It Begins

Well I finished my first round of P90x and thought "Now What?"
Time to officially train for 1/2 marathon. I know I already ran that distance so why train. Glad you asked I am doing a 12 week program that will get me done in under an 1:45 thats pretty fast considering my first 1/2 was done in 2:08. I know it won't be the easiest thing this program has me running over 30 miles a week and peaks at 40 miles a week, oh and did I mention it is a 6 day a week program. I think I am becoming a masochist. Fortunately the web has a wealth of training info and resources to help keep me on track.

Went to a wound care seminar, whoa were did that come from, should have warned you of the subject change. Anyway went to a wound care seminar yesterday and I had forgotten just how much I really like wound care. I really think if I didn't want to have to drive all over I could be a really good wound nurse. I just don't want to drive all those miles each week. So it was a really good seminar and I learned a whole lot in just a short time and now I want to try it all out. The only thing is our nursing home has very few wounds, and that is a good thing so I guess I will just have to be patient.


Charity said...

I will go make some wounds for you to care for I got your back!

Rebecca said...

So how did you like P90X? I bought it a few years ago for Jennifer and I to do after P90.