actually it was 9.2 miles today in 1 hour 26 minutes and 52 seconds. My legs felt like rubber by the time we got done but we did manage to push pretty hard for the last 1/4 mile. The bike path we ran on was nice 4.6 miles out and the same back through orchards and farm land, the only problem with it is its an old railroad route so it is straight as an arrow. That means you can see your halfway and finish points from about a mile out and that can be a long mile let me tell you. Next week will only be a 30 minute run cause we are going fishing and quad riding and no not the cardio fishing. We are going up to Lassen cause there is some great riding up there too and then the weekend after that is the Alzheimer's walk but we are going to run it. It is a 1 mile track so I think I will convince Dennis we need to go around 9 times. After that we are going to start adding a mile a week until we have our half marathon in. Then probably slow down a bit and keep it at the half for a couple of months before we increase. We have talked about it and see no reason to stop at half might as well go for the full marathon. So it looks like when I am 47 I will run my first marathon length run WOOHOO.
P90X is going really well I started week 4 on Thursday and am still making increases in my reps. Phase 2 starts on next Thursday so there will be some different workouts like the one I did last night called Core Synergistics, man it just keeps intensifying, but I like it. My weight hasn't dropped yet but my pants are looser so I am losing inches and thats what its about right now, tone it up.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Good Saturday Run
Did 7 miles today and this time Dennis decided to join me. We came in at 1 hour 5 minutes and 32 seconds that is almost 2 minutes faster than my previous time so not bad. Next Sat we are doing a run we have planned for a while it is on a bike/jog path by his house goes out to Sutter and back, when I checked it it was like 9.2 miles or somewhere right near that. This will be our longest run yet should be a really good challenge for the both of us.
P90X is going really well, I have seen a steady improvement in my reps every week. I had to go buy some heavier weights today and because I prefer the cap barbells man are they expensive it averages about a dollar per pound. That really doesn't sound bad until you put 2 35 pounders in the cart. I really need to move my Bowflex into the exercise room I think or I am gonna go broke buying weights.
Did really good with the one serving of carbs a day until thursday then it went bad first it was pizza for lunch. Really high carbs but man was it good, then on Friday it was a coworkers BD and someone made a really good cake with homemade chocolate icing, I was in a coma after just a small piece of that but again man was it good. Other than that I have managed to stick pretty close to one serving a day.
P90X is going really well, I have seen a steady improvement in my reps every week. I had to go buy some heavier weights today and because I prefer the cap barbells man are they expensive it averages about a dollar per pound. That really doesn't sound bad until you put 2 35 pounders in the cart. I really need to move my Bowflex into the exercise room I think or I am gonna go broke buying weights.
Did really good with the one serving of carbs a day until thursday then it went bad first it was pizza for lunch. Really high carbs but man was it good, then on Friday it was a coworkers BD and someone made a really good cake with homemade chocolate icing, I was in a coma after just a small piece of that but again man was it good. Other than that I have managed to stick pretty close to one serving a day.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Fishing for Cardio??
After our half hour run yesterday Dennis and I headed off to Feather River Canyon for some trout fishing, sounds easy enough. Well first we had a half hour walk down a PG&E road to the river which is about 2500 feet below the highway and really steep oh yeah and dirt and rocky. Now the hard part is done right? NUH UH if you want to fish in the good holes you have to climb hop skip and jump over rocks and boulders and I do mean boulders some like 8 foot tall and all this done with a 20 pound pack on our backs. I did bring home 2 nice brown trout caught a whole buch of small ones that I sent back to grow up and one the was legal but on the small side that I sent back. Poor Dennis had a really big one out of the water and it wiggled free but at least I saw it so I guess he sort of caught it. After we were done fishing guess what, well remember that steep road we walked in on yep had to walk out man was it hard but at least the packs were lighter as I had drank most of my water all in all from the time we left the truck to the time we got back to it we were out for 8 hours and if that wasn't enough when I got home I did the P90X arms, shoulders and ab ripper x oh yeah.
Decided to back my running off to 3 days a week again as I am doing P90X and running 5 days a week along with that was just to much to keep up with and I think I was pushing to much so for at least the first month I will just keep it at 3 days.
Week 2 of P90X and I already see a difference in the reps I can do, that is really encouraging and so far I have stuck with it to the letter. The diet part is hard but I have stayed with only one portion of carbs a day man that is hard but its only for one month.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats right jumped on the scale today and almost passed out 199.8!!!! My goal was 200 lbs by June 15th well it took me an extra 3 months but I stuck with it and I made it. Now I am thinking that lower is possible but right now I feel really good cause I set my mind to it stuck with it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
It is really surreal But I weighed on the same scale every week so it must be and now with P90X it should keep going.
Thank You Jesus for the strength to keep going.
It is really surreal But I weighed on the same scale every week so it must be and now with P90X it should keep going.
Thank You Jesus for the strength to keep going.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Hmmmm that worked
Well it seems that even though the Yoga workout.. is that what you call it? anyway it seems that it works pretty good cause when I woke up this morning I was not near as sore as yesterday, in fact I could flex my arms without my triceps screaming like I was shredding them. Did legs and back today and was able to keep up with most of the leg exercises but not all of them and the ab ripper is still hard but I feel like I did better on it.
When I went out to run this morning my legs didn't want to cooperate, I think my overall times for my runs are going to be slower for awhile but will be lower in the longrun ( oh yeah pun intended)
Work was interesting today in the fact that I have been saying for over a year now that the unit supervisors should not be pulled off the desk and into meetings for 1-2 hours at a time and today they agreed with me. I think hell froze over so if you see a frozen demon now is the time to hit him with your spiritual sword cause he will shatter. It seems funny when you feel like you are talking to walls then all the sudden someone goes "hey thats a good idea" well duh I coulda told you that a longtime ago... oh wait I DID!!!!!!!!!
Still seems strange without Cassie here in the house but I do like having my exercise room and Aslan liked playing games in there yesterday while the big boys watched UFC. OH OH OH speaking of UFC Chuck Liddel got knocked the heck out I mean it was actually a thing of beauty. Overhand right crack on the jaw ragdoll fall to the mat and just layed there. If you missed it I am sure it is on you tube by now and worth seeing.
Ok so bye for now but don't stay away I might post again soon :-P
When I went out to run this morning my legs didn't want to cooperate, I think my overall times for my runs are going to be slower for awhile but will be lower in the longrun ( oh yeah pun intended)
Work was interesting today in the fact that I have been saying for over a year now that the unit supervisors should not be pulled off the desk and into meetings for 1-2 hours at a time and today they agreed with me. I think hell froze over so if you see a frozen demon now is the time to hit him with your spiritual sword cause he will shatter. It seems funny when you feel like you are talking to walls then all the sudden someone goes "hey thats a good idea" well duh I coulda told you that a longtime ago... oh wait I DID!!!!!!!!!
Still seems strange without Cassie here in the house but I do like having my exercise room and Aslan liked playing games in there yesterday while the big boys watched UFC. OH OH OH speaking of UFC Chuck Liddel got knocked the heck out I mean it was actually a thing of beauty. Overhand right crack on the jaw ragdoll fall to the mat and just layed there. If you missed it I am sure it is on you tube by now and worth seeing.
Ok so bye for now but don't stay away I might post again soon :-P
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Who would of thought
That Yoga would be so stikin hard. When I looked at what I had to do today in the P90X program it was YogaX and I thought cool stretching and stuff. Well my first clue should have been the big ole X after yoga. Man some of those exercises are hard, I mean like I was sweating hard, but I got through it.
I did like the balance part and the stretching part of the workout. At the end you were supposed to do complete relaxation and clear your mind. Nuh Uh no way not me I meditated on God and all he has done in my life and at the very end when he had us breathing deep uh yeah in the lotus position and you were supposed to exhale slowly and go ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I exhaled slowly with YOU ARE WORTHY. So I guess you could say I put my own spin on yoga x.
Went out for a short run today 5k to be exact and boy was I stiff, couldn't have anything to do with all the new exercise and the long run yesterday could it??? So I just took it slow and easy, still had sore legs in church.
Speaking of church or should I say speaking in church my SIL brought a great word today about What God is concerned about. Long story short God is concerned about souls, you don't believe that just turn your Bible to Luke 15 and you tell me what those parables mean. Anyways he brought a very powerful word that todays church needs to hear and act upon.
Thats about all I got for today, maybe tomorrow something really ineresting will happen and I can blog about that but until then... yeah thats all I got
I did like the balance part and the stretching part of the workout. At the end you were supposed to do complete relaxation and clear your mind. Nuh Uh no way not me I meditated on God and all he has done in my life and at the very end when he had us breathing deep uh yeah in the lotus position and you were supposed to exhale slowly and go ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I exhaled slowly with YOU ARE WORTHY. So I guess you could say I put my own spin on yoga x.
Went out for a short run today 5k to be exact and boy was I stiff, couldn't have anything to do with all the new exercise and the long run yesterday could it??? So I just took it slow and easy, still had sore legs in church.
Speaking of church or should I say speaking in church my SIL brought a great word today about What God is concerned about. Long story short God is concerned about souls, you don't believe that just turn your Bible to Luke 15 and you tell me what those parables mean. Anyways he brought a very powerful word that todays church needs to hear and act upon.
Thats about all I got for today, maybe tomorrow something really ineresting will happen and I can blog about that but until then... yeah thats all I got
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Check It...
DONE 7 miles this morning and I did it by my self Dennis called and wasn't feeling well so I was on my own 1 hour 7 minutes and 9 seconds not bad considering how frickin sore I am from the p90x workouts. I started them on Thursday and when I got up yesterday I expected to be really sore but was surprised that I wasn't. Well as the day went on I got sore and then did the Plyometrics workout yesterday. Needless to say I am really sore today especially my upper body. I guess I would be disappointed if I wasn't though after all I paid for an extreme workout and I think that is what I am getting. Arms and shoulders today, OH YEAH that should feel good.
Why oh why do I do this to myself, cause I want to be in shape. I want to run with my Grandchildren and not faint from exhaustion, I want to live my life to the length the Lord will use me for, not the length that my bad habits will allow and also for me cause yes I do have some vanity and would like just once to look good but thats just me.
After the first 2 days of the P90X I know I will make it through the whole thing if for nothing else I want to be able to keep up with those guys on the AB workout.
Why oh why do I do this to myself, cause I want to be in shape. I want to run with my Grandchildren and not faint from exhaustion, I want to live my life to the length the Lord will use me for, not the length that my bad habits will allow and also for me cause yes I do have some vanity and would like just once to look good but thats just me.
After the first 2 days of the P90X I know I will make it through the whole thing if for nothing else I want to be able to keep up with those guys on the AB workout.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Good news ITS FRIDAY WOOHOO!!! Gonna run 7 miles on Sat with my friend looking forward to that because it is our longest yet. Then I don't know what for the rest of the weekend but at least it won't be work
Thursday, September 4, 2008
So I got the P90X program I ordered yesterday. "Whats P90X?" Glad you asked you can check this site basically it is a 90 day intense workout for people who I think are classified as masochists. Yeah I read all the read me first and watched the lets get started video and then decided to watch the first days workout so I would know what was coming, HOLY CRAP. This is gonna be hard but I know when I get through with this thing I will be so much closer to my goals that the end result will be worth it. I start tonight so we shall see how I feel tomorrow. Oh yeah took the before photos, don't know if I am gonna post them though don't want to scare you.
Sort of got the exercise room together lastnight, put a table in there for the tv and dvd player. I think I am going to move the bowflex in there I have to measure some things and if it is going to leave enough room in the middle I will put it in there.
Well thats about all for now stay tuned for more interesting and exciting news from the world of Sneaky Greg
Sort of got the exercise room together lastnight, put a table in there for the tv and dvd player. I think I am going to move the bowflex in there I have to measure some things and if it is going to leave enough room in the middle I will put it in there.
Well thats about all for now stay tuned for more interesting and exciting news from the world of Sneaky Greg
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
OK, So that was hard...
Helped Cassie move her bed and dresser last night. Not quite sure how I feel about that, I mean I am proud of her accomplishments and work ethic and all. But she is the last Daughter to move. It really hit me this morning as I was finishing my cool down walk as I came to the front of the house. "hey that spot is empty" yup Cassie's car wasn't there, I even looked in her room. Yup you guessed it empty also.
Come on you think I would be happy, now I have a big ole exercise room. Yeah whatever all I know is mine and Laura's lives have entered a new phase, stage or whatever you want to call it and well it just feels weird. I know we will see her all the time but it is still change and there is a part of me that doesn't like change. Besides all that she can't be old enough to move out, wasn't she just 5 like a week ago???????
Next thing you know she will be getting married... HOLY CRAP!!!! best not to think to far ahead I guess.
Come on you think I would be happy, now I have a big ole exercise room. Yeah whatever all I know is mine and Laura's lives have entered a new phase, stage or whatever you want to call it and well it just feels weird. I know we will see her all the time but it is still change and there is a part of me that doesn't like change. Besides all that she can't be old enough to move out, wasn't she just 5 like a week ago???????
Next thing you know she will be getting married... HOLY CRAP!!!! best not to think to far ahead I guess.
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