Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What A Year
Thats not to say that there haven't been challenges along the way and pain (like when I tried to remove a bunch of skin when I wrecked my quad...ouch) or like the pain I had when I started running oh and I finished a round of P90X. I think the thing for me is that I have stuck it out, pushed through the hard times and not dwelled on them. I also have the bestest wife in the world who helps me to walk through lifes good and bad times. I know when things are tough she will be there and that reallly means alot to me.
I have also developed a great friendship with my running riding and gaming partner Dennis. God knew that I was going to need a friend when Bill and Charity moved and he provided one for me. So that scripture that says he will give us the desires of our hearts, it doesn't refer to what we think we want but what we truly need in our lives.
My work on the other hand provided the desire I didn't really need. I got a nice bonus check just before Christmas and I have wanted a PS3 for along time now, aaaaaaaaa yup I got one and a couple games too.
2008 was a fun year and I am looking forward to the adventures of 2009, gonna go snowboarding for the first time, run an official 1/2 marathon, gonna do a relay triathlon with my cousin, at least one more round of P90X and who knows might even get a marathon in all I know is 2009 is a year I am going to challenge myself.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sore, Sore, Sore
Dennis and I went on our long run today and let me tell you after 6 miles I really wanted to quit but I didn't. Then we hit 7 miles and boy did I want to quit but I didn't. Then we hit 8 miles and my legs said "enough!" and my reply was "SILENCE<,OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!!" (ever seen Jeff Dunham?) and I didn't quit. At 9 miles I should have been done but our stupid little bike path is a round trip of 9.2 miles, so we sped up and started a hard push to the end so hard in fact that I lost my MP3 player about 50 feet from the end, fortunately it wasn't hurt. Overall the time wasn't our best but the effort I had to exert to make it was I feel my hardest yet. Like I said earlier more miles in the books this week than ever before. Oh and did I mention that I am sore? I was sore before I started my run this morning. Breakfast at the bear was my reward Yummmmmmmmmmmm hickory smoked ham and eggs. The fitness tracker says I burned more than 4,000 calories this week woohoo.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
So It Begins
Time to officially train for 1/2 marathon. I know I already ran that distance so why train. Glad you asked I am doing a 12 week program that will get me done in under an 1:45 thats pretty fast considering my first 1/2 was done in 2:08. I know it won't be the easiest thing this program has me running over 30 miles a week and peaks at 40 miles a week, oh and did I mention it is a 6 day a week program. I think I am becoming a masochist. Fortunately the web has a wealth of training info and resources to help keep me on track.
Went to a wound care seminar, whoa were did that come from, should have warned you of the subject change. Anyway went to a wound care seminar yesterday and I had forgotten just how much I really like wound care. I really think if I didn't want to have to drive all over I could be a really good wound nurse. I just don't want to drive all those miles each week. So it was a really good seminar and I learned a whole lot in just a short time and now I want to try it all out. The only thing is our nursing home has very few wounds, and that is a good thing so I guess I will just have to be patient.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What a week
When we are in survey those of us in management are on high alert and also not allowed to go home until the survey team leaves for the day. They usually leave about 5pm not to bad right? Yeah well I get to work at 6am so 5pm is a long day. The good news is survey went really well, they found a few little things wrong but then again that is their job and none of us is perfect. The really good news is its over for another year just in time for our annual employee Christmas party tomorrow. A party that I cook for so there is another long and busy day.
With all this extra this week I have not done any P90X didn't run till I got home from work today and said well "Just Do It" as I laced up my Nikes... oops wait I gots Reebok's right now hmmmm I guess thats "Just Go" anyway had a really good run and will do 9 miles with Dennis on Sat.
B&C are moving this weekend to Stockton I still don't like it but I know tha really great things are in store for them and I am really excited to see what God has instore for their lives down there. I guess it is just the old change is hard thing but when you know the Lord's hand is in it it sure makes it easier to understand.
Ah well I am tired now and really need to rest.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
First 5K

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And Life Goes On...
Life well life is changing for our family again my Daughter and her family are moving out of the area. They have a wonderful opportunity for ministry and would be foolish not to go but that means no Daughter, Son in law or Grandkids right here in town anymore, oh and did I mention that Bill )SIL) is also my bestest friend, so yeah I thought I was ok with it but apperantley I was wrong had a little meltdown on Sunday but I think ultimately that was a good thing got it out now on with the show.
The cool thing is God has made sure I have a good friend here who likes the same things I do in Dennis, so even though I won't see Bill as often as I would like to I won't just be looking for someone to hang with (Yup its a guy thing I guess)
Took a week off P90X with all that has been going on I just felt burn't. Was the best thing I have done Back on track with day 3 of week 11 and boy do I feel it. Also started so that Saturday is my rest/stretch day and that will be good after our long runs.
I am getting really excited about Thanksgiving, no not for the food but I will be running my first 5K race that day. My Mom is going to be at the finish line taking pictures so I will post them when I gets them. Well thats about all for now.
Have a great week and a wonderful Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thats Right...
In other news I am running my first 5k race on Thanksgiving day, I have really wanted to do a 5k and when I saw this one and the proceeds go to the Jesus center in Chico I knew it was for me. My last 5k length run was done in 25:28 so I am hoping to come in at under 25 minutes. Dennis said he is going to do it with me I hope so cause it is gonna be a rush. Afetr that I want to get 1 or 2 more 5k's in before I do a 1/2 marathon race.
OK the Wii Fit. I got one for my wife and decided to try it out. First the stupid thing called me obese and then later on a pushup section it called me a couch potato, I had just finished a 4 mile run. Stupid piece of electronic equipment. I did straighten out its attitude though, I had a long talk with it on how I have a really nice set of screwdrivers and wire cutters and I am more than willing to do surgery on electronics just to see what makes them tick. Yeah now it refers to me as "Oh fit master of the fitness Wii kingdom. How may I serve you" You just have to know how to reason with these things,
Really tghough when I look in the mirror now compared to 10 months ago if this is obese, then I am happy to be obese. And when I am sweating to P90X or runnin 13.1 miles if that is a couch potato well then slather me with butter (HMMM I might have to try that) anyway... umm yeah.
Have a great week
Saturday, October 25, 2008
That Was Harder Than I Thought...
P90X is going well I am on week 8 thats the second recovery week so new pictures soon. I am supposed to do Kempo today but I think I will stretch tooday and Kempo tomorrow, my legs will love me for it.
Didn't blog last week but we went to Lassen for fishing and brought home 17 nice rainbow tout. I caught the biggest trout I have ever caught almost as long as my arm. We also got some quad riding in and I think both of us needed to do that it was fun didn't get home till well after dark so it was a full day. Oh and the trou BBQed with cajun seasoning was really yummy.
Have a great week
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Memory Walk
P90X is going really well, I have made some really good progress on the ab workout and am now able to do quite a few of the situps that I was only able to laugh at in the beginning. It is really nice to see all this work paying off.
Next week we are hoping to go fishing and riding up at Lassen. Oh I hope it doesn't rain.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Fishing Got Rained Out
I will do P90x I think its legs and biceps later today, man my legs are gonna cry :-) as for the rest of the day its kinda rainy and gray maybe its a good time to play some of those video games I got.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
That Was Then...

Saturday, September 27, 2008
9 Down 4 To Go
P90X is going really well I started week 4 on Thursday and am still making increases in my reps. Phase 2 starts on next Thursday so there will be some different workouts like the one I did last night called Core Synergistics, man it just keeps intensifying, but I like it. My weight hasn't dropped yet but my pants are looser so I am losing inches and thats what its about right now, tone it up.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Good Saturday Run
P90X is going really well, I have seen a steady improvement in my reps every week. I had to go buy some heavier weights today and because I prefer the cap barbells man are they expensive it averages about a dollar per pound. That really doesn't sound bad until you put 2 35 pounders in the cart. I really need to move my Bowflex into the exercise room I think or I am gonna go broke buying weights.
Did really good with the one serving of carbs a day until thursday then it went bad first it was pizza for lunch. Really high carbs but man was it good, then on Friday it was a coworkers BD and someone made a really good cake with homemade chocolate icing, I was in a coma after just a small piece of that but again man was it good. Other than that I have managed to stick pretty close to one serving a day.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Fishing for Cardio??
After our half hour run yesterday Dennis and I headed off to Feather River Canyon for some trout fishing, sounds easy enough. Well first we had a half hour walk down a PG&E road to the river which is about 2500 feet below the highway and really steep oh yeah and dirt and rocky. Now the hard part is done right? NUH UH if you want to fish in the good holes you have to climb hop skip and jump over rocks and boulders and I do mean boulders some like 8 foot tall and all this done with a 20 pound pack on our backs. I did bring home 2 nice brown trout caught a whole buch of small ones that I sent back to grow up and one the was legal but on the small side that I sent back. Poor Dennis had a really big one out of the water and it wiggled free but at least I saw it so I guess he sort of caught it. After we were done fishing guess what, well remember that steep road we walked in on yep had to walk out man was it hard but at least the packs were lighter as I had drank most of my water all in all from the time we left the truck to the time we got back to it we were out for 8 hours and if that wasn't enough when I got home I did the P90X arms, shoulders and ab ripper x oh yeah.
Decided to back my running off to 3 days a week again as I am doing P90X and running 5 days a week along with that was just to much to keep up with and I think I was pushing to much so for at least the first month I will just keep it at 3 days.
Week 2 of P90X and I already see a difference in the reps I can do, that is really encouraging and so far I have stuck with it to the letter. The diet part is hard but I have stayed with only one portion of carbs a day man that is hard but its only for one month.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is really surreal But I weighed on the same scale every week so it must be and now with P90X it should keep going.
Thank You Jesus for the strength to keep going.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Hmmmm that worked
When I went out to run this morning my legs didn't want to cooperate, I think my overall times for my runs are going to be slower for awhile but will be lower in the longrun ( oh yeah pun intended)
Work was interesting today in the fact that I have been saying for over a year now that the unit supervisors should not be pulled off the desk and into meetings for 1-2 hours at a time and today they agreed with me. I think hell froze over so if you see a frozen demon now is the time to hit him with your spiritual sword cause he will shatter. It seems funny when you feel like you are talking to walls then all the sudden someone goes "hey thats a good idea" well duh I coulda told you that a longtime ago... oh wait I DID!!!!!!!!!
Still seems strange without Cassie here in the house but I do like having my exercise room and Aslan liked playing games in there yesterday while the big boys watched UFC. OH OH OH speaking of UFC Chuck Liddel got knocked the heck out I mean it was actually a thing of beauty. Overhand right crack on the jaw ragdoll fall to the mat and just layed there. If you missed it I am sure it is on you tube by now and worth seeing.
Ok so bye for now but don't stay away I might post again soon :-P
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Who would of thought
I did like the balance part and the stretching part of the workout. At the end you were supposed to do complete relaxation and clear your mind. Nuh Uh no way not me I meditated on God and all he has done in my life and at the very end when he had us breathing deep uh yeah in the lotus position and you were supposed to exhale slowly and go ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I exhaled slowly with YOU ARE WORTHY. So I guess you could say I put my own spin on yoga x.
Went out for a short run today 5k to be exact and boy was I stiff, couldn't have anything to do with all the new exercise and the long run yesterday could it??? So I just took it slow and easy, still had sore legs in church.
Speaking of church or should I say speaking in church my SIL brought a great word today about What God is concerned about. Long story short God is concerned about souls, you don't believe that just turn your Bible to Luke 15 and you tell me what those parables mean. Anyways he brought a very powerful word that todays church needs to hear and act upon.
Thats about all I got for today, maybe tomorrow something really ineresting will happen and I can blog about that but until then... yeah thats all I got
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Check It...
Why oh why do I do this to myself, cause I want to be in shape. I want to run with my Grandchildren and not faint from exhaustion, I want to live my life to the length the Lord will use me for, not the length that my bad habits will allow and also for me cause yes I do have some vanity and would like just once to look good but thats just me.
After the first 2 days of the P90X I know I will make it through the whole thing if for nothing else I want to be able to keep up with those guys on the AB workout.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Good news ITS FRIDAY WOOHOO!!! Gonna run 7 miles on Sat with my friend looking forward to that because it is our longest yet. Then I don't know what for the rest of the weekend but at least it won't be work
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sort of got the exercise room together lastnight, put a table in there for the tv and dvd player. I think I am going to move the bowflex in there I have to measure some things and if it is going to leave enough room in the middle I will put it in there.
Well thats about all for now stay tuned for more interesting and exciting news from the world of Sneaky Greg
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
OK, So that was hard...
Come on you think I would be happy, now I have a big ole exercise room. Yeah whatever all I know is mine and Laura's lives have entered a new phase, stage or whatever you want to call it and well it just feels weird. I know we will see her all the time but it is still change and there is a part of me that doesn't like change. Besides all that she can't be old enough to move out, wasn't she just 5 like a week ago???????
Next thing you know she will be getting married... HOLY CRAP!!!! best not to think to far ahead I guess.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
You ever wonder...?
Went to the store to get some bottled water and got a cat hmmmm
Went on a short run today just 5k but it was still pretty warm out and I had eaten about 3 hours earlier, boy it is really nasty when you are in the middle of a run and burp up some BBQ pork, yuck.
I really don't have a blasted thing to say today just some ramblings and bramblings and well just plain ole wierdness. Stay tuned for future strangness and mumblings of a weird mind.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Wow its dusty in here
Today my friend and I did a 10k run I timed both the 5k, 6mile and 10k times. 5k best yet at 25:46 woohoo. 6 miles again best ever at 54:20 and last but not least 10k at 56:26 again our best time yet. Now I have to pick it up during the week and we are stretching it to 7 miles on next Sat. Our goal is a half marathon in under 1 1/2 hours by next summer. Hard for me to believe sometimes that I have only been running for 7 1/2 months.
My weight is now down to 204.1 pounds thats 42.6 pounds lost since Jan. I just recently ordered the P90X program from Beach Body I hear nothing but good things about it and am really excited to get started on it. Maybe by this time next month I will be under the 200 pound mark.
I am really excited about the things I feel are going to start really taking off at my Church. We have a dream for a Lords Gym and it will happen. This will be such an excellent outreach center and I know God is ready to do great things.
How do you know this? Well with all the opposition we are getting we have to be on the right track, otherwise things would be really smooth and going along just fine. Our Pastor is out working building Garages to make ends meet, my SIL took a security job at a local hospital. Yep we are on the right track for sure.
We started a Joyce Meyers series call the Battlefield of The mind. Seems to be a really good series and one thing I liked she said if you are depressed STOP IT, yeah that is what we need to do sometimes, just stop it.
I hope everyone is doing well and things are all rainbows and butterflies :)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Vacation Oregon

We went to Miltonfreewater Oregon to start our Vacation nice 10 hour drive after 8 hours worked got there about 4 in the morning or something. Only slept for a few hours we are on vacation after all. Man it was busy up there we had 11 children total wow, and a bunch of adult children :-) the guys played Discgolf and went down the river on these little skiffs Owen made called one sheet skiffs you can see them here pretty cool little boats I think I am gonna make some myself. The ladies went garage saling, yup thats our girls :)
Sunday after Church we had Howards 80th birthday it was really fun and everyone had a great time.
OHOHOH almost forgot while up there got to try some horse meat, not bad tasted kinda like well ..... horse I guess.
We left there the following tuesday and drove back down a different way cause Owen and John said it took the same ammount of time *note to self, don't listen to Owen and John again* 13 hours after we left we finally got home, yeah that was fater guys, got to bed about 1 am and had to get up at 5 to head to the airport to fly to Denver, yippy.
stay tuned for action from Denver, same time, same place same Bat channel. Also will post some Oregon pics as soon as I can find them.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Again with the Go Green!!!
And to think they spent good money on all that testing for something that is absolutely useless, just to make the statement that there are greener ways to manufacture the consoles greener. Don't believe me check out their website and read it for yourself.
I really think the money they spent on this research could have been used for better things, oh I don't know like maybe feeding people, low cost housing etc. You get the idea.
Remember don't chew on your console and you should be fine.
ohohoh what about my computer, I wonder if I can eat that? Maybe those hippies could tell me.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Chappi Mountian

I only walked about 25' down the trail for this pic. Trail 15 was steep steep steep and we were going down it. YEEE HAW

Found this waterfall on trail 1

The veiw of Lake Shasta from trail 1
Chappi was a fun place to ride we spent a little over 4 hours riding and covered a lot of ground. Some of the trails were very easy and some like trail 15 were challenging. There wer a couple of place on trail 15 that were like UHOH this is gonna be interesting like this spot

I know it doesn't look that steep but be sitting on a 400 pound quad facing down it and its steep couldn't get a pic of the steepest part cause quite frankly we couldn't stop on the hill it was so stinkin steep that all you could do was hang on and try to stay out of the rut. I think my back brake earned its keep on that trail.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
anybody seen my skin?????

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Went DiscGolfing the otherday and birdied the first hole and the 3rd hole missed 7 other birdies I can't belive how good my drive is I really need to get out and practice putting cause if I get my putt back watch out. Oh the 7 I missed I only hit the basket low so accuaracy is there just need the height.
Went over my calory intake on thursday and started to get stressed about it but then realized I have been doing this for almost 3 months now and that is the first time I went over, so I just drank more water and got on with life. I am down 25.5lbs now in comparison that is the weight of an average 2 year old.
I was thinking the otherday about all this going green crap, I am really sick and tired of everybody jumping on the band wagon just because they think it will make them look good, sell thier product, get them elected or whatever. I think Al Gore should be flogged he is an idiot, besides I think its way to cold outside and we need global warming I like to wear my shorts, we need to drill offshore and more up in alaska, either that or the people who are opposed to these things need to take thier cues and go live like the Omish so there is more for the rest of us who like our luxeries.
oops my unpc side came out
have a great day
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Halfway there
I noticed the other day when I was walking down the hall at work that I was carrying myself more upright, I think that is a direct result of my weight loss, I am not trying to hide my big ole belly anymore.
Made it over some big humps lately, mainly easter and the day after candy sales. I would usually go to walmart and buy about 10 bags of jellybeans after easter, this year none. I still have 3 boxes of peanut butter GS cookies, I bought 4, these would have been gone the first week before, it took me 3 weeks to eat the first box. Victories is the name of the game and I think I am winning.
On the other hand man do I need a vacation, there are days at work that I just want to get away. Kinda like a southwest commercial, but then I remember that there are people there who need me. We are taking a 4 day weekend over memorial day and going up to camp at lassen so do have something to look forward to.
Just a random thought: If you are driving your car at the seed of light and turn on the headlights what happens?
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter, it's not just for bunnies
Do you know what Easter is? Do you know who rose?
On Good Friday Jesus was beaten, Whipped so that the flesh fell off of his back, Had a crown of thorns (and I'm not talking like blackberry thorns, the thorns they made the crown out of were and inch long) shoved down on his head so that the thorns dug in and tore the flesh on his head, he was spat upon, slapped, mocked and when he was almost dead was made to carry a cross to the place of his death. This was not a cross made from nicely milled 4x4's it was rough cut wood and the splinters dug in deep to already torn and battered flesh.
Once they reached the top of the hill he was thrown down on the cross and nails were pounded into his feet and his wrists (go to your local hardware store and find the biggest nail you can. Looks painful huh, guess what its not big enough) his cross was slammed down into a hole jarring his whole body with shooting agonizing pain. He was mocked while on the cross, the soldiers gambled for his clothing below him. During Crucifixion your body weight pulls you down until your shoulders dislocate, compressing your lungs making it hard to breath, the only way to get a full breath is to push up on feet the have a huge spike through them so that you can take a deep breath of air that is filled with the stench of blood that you realise is you own.
After all of this he looked to the heavens and said "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" and then he died on that cross.
But then came Sunday and the tomb was empty, Jesus had risen. His purpose had been accomplished. Atonement for sin had been made. Because of his death and Resurrection we have the free gift of eternal Life.
and that my friends is the true prize inside the golden egg
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Wow it's dusty here
The last time I wrote I talked about working on losing weight well I am halfway to my goal I have lost 23lbs since Jan 11 so I should make the 200lbs weight goal by June 15. Been using my Bowflex 3 times a week like it says and following the program they developed, not ready for the my bowflex body commercial yet but I deffinately feel a difference.
I went through some pretty stressful times at work over the last couple of months but finally came to the conclusion that I had to quit worrying about the facility and worry about the patients instead. Now I really have minimal stress and feel that my patient care is better, hope the patients feel that way :-)
I will really try to write at least 2 times a week here from now on. Oh yeah went DiscGolfing recently and I couldn't believe how well I did. I was actually throwing farther than before I think the strength training and weight loss have really made a huge difference in my game, now if I could just get myself back into practicing my putting I would be good.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Adventures in Weight loss
So ok I go check it out
Long story short one month later now and 10.4# lighter well on my way to my goal of being down to 200# by June. I read my Daughters blog today and see she is gonna run a 5k in June, that is gonna be a really good month for this family.
The thing I really like about spark people is its not just diet its lifestyle changes, there is alot of help there alot of support and you can customize it to fit you, oh and the best thing is its all free, not a free trial but free, free, free.
so lots of exciting things happening, now if i could just quit working so many hours it would be really good.
Links Away
A. An Island Life - BzzLaraBzz - http://bzzlarabzz.blogspot.comC. Christian Fiction Review - A Day in this Crazy Wonderful Life - E. Eisley, H.N. - Fefyfomanna - http://lillyput.blogspot.comG. Girl Scouts - Highlands Homeschool - The Colorado Adventure - Isle of Iona - http://ionaluvshorses.blogspot.comJ. Just the best Singer in the World - Margaret Becker - http://www.maggieb.comK. Relient K - Live as we Know It... - Monkey Pal Hand Dyed Yarns - http://monkeypal.etsy.comN. Nap Lover - http://naplover.blogspot.comO. OPEN for Something!P. Pray for her! Life in Chiang Rai - Queen Bee - http://beccasmomma.blogspot.comR. Sneaky Greg's World - http://www.sneakygregsworld.blogspot.comT. Tales of a Minivan Mama - - Where you can make a U-TurnV. Very Cute - If you give a Kid a Camera - World Vision - Adopt a child - http://www.worldvision.orgX. X-citing Webkinz - http://www.webkinz.comY. YWAM - http://www.ywam.orgZ. The Intersection - (Ok so it doesn't start with a Z but it's a good blog.